What To Know When Selling Your Waterfront Property

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Real Estate

With more than 32,000 acres of surface and 520 miles of shoreline spanning across four counties, lakefront properties in Lake Norman are in high demand for good reasons. Who doesn’t love sipping on coffee while overlooking the water every morning or jumping in to cool off on a hot North Carolina day?

Even though lakefront properties speak for themselves, there’s a lot to consider before hitting the market. The more prepared you are as the seller, the buyer will have more confidence which can lead to higher sales price, higher due diligence fee, and quicker sale with fewer complications. Here are a few things sellers can outline when listing their Lake Norman waterfront home:

Get Your Permits In Order

Be proactive when preparing to sell your Lake Norman home. The seller of the property must have the dock in their name and proper documentation from Duke Energy. Most agents and closing attorneys will ask for proper documentation, so having it in order before you list the house will help avoid any unnecessary headaches. If you need this information or misplaced it, you will need to contact Duke Energy Lake Services (DELS) for assistance. Outlining shoreline renovations, restrictions, and responsibilities and having copies of permits for potential buyers can help streamline the process and make for a smooth transaction.

At the same time, you'll want to ensure that all permits are in your name. Does dock match your permit? If you've made improvements or variations, they need to be permitted as well. Never assume that you own the shoreline structure connected to your property. The seller has to make sure the permit is in his or name before it can be transferred. You'll need to have the permit that shows the structure is in your name. If you need a copy or would like to check on the status of a permit, you can contact Duke Energy Lake Services (DELS). 

Get A Survey

If you don't have a survey, now is a great time to get one so you can make sure there are no deal breakers down the line. A survey will also help determine the 760 lines, setbacks, and where the pier projections lines are if a potential buyer would like to change or modify the existing dock. A survey should also determine and outline the building envelope and/or set back lines. In most cases, Duke owns the land from 760 ft of elevation and below.

Know The Water Levels

Another key item to consider when listing your property is the water levels. Since Lake Norman is a man-made lake, water levels can fluctuate frequently. Understanding water levels is important because it can impact the activities that can take place on your shoreline. Additionally, the water level of the shoreline may determine what kind of boat you can safely keep at the dock. Popular pontoon boats can get by in shallower water, but speed boats require much deeper water.

Highlight Shoreline Classification

Duke Energy uses a classification that determines what can be built on or around your shoreline. If you don’t have a dock, you’ll want to know the shoreline classification to determine if one could be built. Remember, you’ll need a permit if you want to ‘ build a new lake structure, perform maintenance on or modify an existing lake structure, stabilize the shoreline or withdraw water’ so having this helpful information upfront can help expedite the sale.


Inspect Your Dock & Surrounding Areas 

If you have a dock, it’s important to understand its overall health. A well-maintained and structurally sound dock enhances the appeal of the waterfront property, potentially attracting more buyers and securing a better sale price. On the other hand, a neglected or deteriorating dock can raise concerns about safety, functionality, and maintenance costs, which can cause potential buyers to look elsewhere. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • What's the condition of sea wall?
  • Could the landscaping around the dock be improved?
  • Are there water runoff issues in the yard?
  • Is the electrical done properly?
  • What is the condition of the boat lift?
  • Are jet skis neatly put away?
  • Does the dock look cluttered?

Work With An Experienced Agent 

Any agent can put a sign in the front yard and say a property is for sale, but selling a lakefront home requires knowledge, experience, and dedication.
With over two decades of intimate experience serving the Lake Norman and Davidson areas, Andrew Nagy offers clients concierge-level services.

His extensive knowledge and expertise of lakefront properties around the area can help you get the home of your dreams at the right price.
Call the Nagy Properties Team today if you are looking for a lakefront home in Lake Norman.